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Humanity & Inclusion is one of the leading organisations working on disability worldwide. We publish a range of reports, factsheets, and briefings on topics related to our work. These include disability, emergencies, explosive weapons, physical rehabilitation, health, inclusion and rights.

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Mehr veröffentlichte Berichte

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Gaza Humanitarian Snapshot Juli 2024 16 Juli 2024

Download (pdf, 1.58 MB)

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Rehabilitation Matters: The appeal made by people in conflict-affected areas 23 Mai 2024

Download (pdf, 1.64 MB)

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Persons with disabilities and climate change in Nepal: Humanitarian impacts and pathways for inclusive climate action 5 März 2024

Download (pdf, 1.26 MB)

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CASE STUDY: Out of Reach The Impact of Explosive Weapons in Ukraine – Focus on hard-to-reach areas 20 Februar 2024

Download (pdf, 2.38 MB)

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Factsheet: Consequences of Explosive Weapons in Gaza 7 Dezember 2023

Download (pdf, 354.21 KB)

A little girl working on her schoolwork in a school supported by HI. Inclusive education project in the Atsinanana region, Madagascar. ©L.Bluman / HI; }}

"Always Included" Report 2023 4 Dezember 2023

Download (pdf, 2.83 MB)

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ISSUE BRIEF: Attacks on healthcare and Impacts on Physical Rehabilitation and Mental Health Services in the Gaza Strip 20 November 2023

Download (pdf, 1.02 MB)

Titelbild des Factsheets; }}

FACTSHEET: Impact of explosive weapons in GAZA 12 November 2023

Download (pdf, 2.23 MB)

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FACTSHEET: Inclusive Humanitarian Action - Gaza 3 November 2023

Download (pdf, 711.36 KB)

Ein Arzt behandelt einen kleinen Jungen, im Hintergrund steht eine Krankenschwester; }}

Bericht über die wachsende Gefahr für lokale Hilfskräfte in Krisenregionen 17 August 2023

Download (pdf, 3.22 MB)